Sunday, December 14, 2008


In the next four days I have:
4 finals
2 papers due
2 presentations
1 biostats problem set due (which according to the professor, "oh, this one is short. it shouldn't take too long," and which according to the actual assignment is really fucking confusing and yes, will take too long)
5 hours of work at my job
1 super awesome distraction sadly far away in Mexico
1 gazillion lame distractions at my finger tips
1 really big need to exercise more

After four days I have:
1 month off (!), in which I have:
0 papers
0 presentations
0 finals
1 super awesome distraction back from Mexico
1 dentist that I need to find and see and have tell me I don't have any cavities even though I haven't been to a dentist in three years
1 doctor that I need to find and see and hopefully tell me why I'm so tired all the time
1 eye doctor that I need to find and see and get a new contacts prescription from so I can literally see
1 trip to Philly
1 trip to NYC
1 trip TBD
1 trip to LA (?)
1 tailor that needs to be found to finally shorten the pants I bought weeks ago
several presents to buy
several movies to watch to make up for the fact that for the first time since the last time I was in school I've seen only a handful of potential oscar nominees
1 presidential inauguration to attend

For the rest of eternity, I have:
0 biostats problem sets
0 biostats midterms
0 biostats finals
0 biostats class
0 biostats frustration/anger/stress/wonder about why in god's name am I taking biostats
1 major sense of relief about the above

1 comment:

JoLee said...

randomly came across your blog and I'm digging on it...just wanted to give you some creative props.