Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I am David Sedaris!

Okay, so my attempt from last post to get comments and find out who is actually reading this blog was barely successful (although it's not too late to vote on the polls below and/or comment!) But I would like to thank one of the two commenters, Elana, for bringing up a very good point. (As for the the other commenter, Anonymous, I don't know for sure who you are, but I have a pretty good guess). Anyway, back to Elana. She asks a very important question-- if I have seen the David Sedaris "Shouts & Murmurs" essay from the New Yorker a week ago. The answer is yes. I have seen it.

To fill you in, dear readers, about a month ago, I wrote this about undecided voters:

I have no idea how anyone can be undecided between two complete opposites.... it's like not being able to decide between a delicious slice of carrot cake and a plate of shit. How can anyone be stuck weighing the pros and cons of the two? They're opposites.

Then, last week, in the New Yorker, David Sedaris wrote this about undecided voters:

To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

(Admittedly, Mr. Sedaris made his point a lot more creatively than I did, but...)

Do I think David Sedaris stole my awesome idea? No way. I'd be lucky if he read this blog (and honored if he stole from it). But do I think it's fucking awesome that I had the same idea as David Sedaris (and that mine was er, "published" before his)? Yes. Yes I do.

Now time for my book deal! I mean, it's only fair. Right? Hello? Anyone? Hello?

[cue the crickets]


Anonymous said...

Are you serious? I think you should be pretty damn sure of who I am. I'm MIKE FUCKING SCHMIDT!

I played baseball for money for like fifty years! Did you see my moustache? I hit like ten doubles using just the moustache! Spoiler alert: I had sex with Pat Benatar!

jc said...

Why so angry, Mike Schmidt? Is it because your mustache went out of style 20 years ago?
PS. Pat Benatar? Really? Nice.