Tuesday, February 3, 2009

An Early Start

By now you've all bought, read and then bought again for a friend the hilarious book Rejected: Tales of the Failed, Dumped and Canceled. Did you like it? Good. Glad to hear it.

In the excitement of being published, I forgot that I also had school work to do. I was in Philly this past weekend and decided not to do any homework. It was lovely. I watched tennis, played tennis (and am incredibly sore from an hour of tennis-- sad), half-heartedly watched the Super Bowl, and ate. The plan was to start my paper due yesterday (Monday) on Sunday night when I got back to Baltimore. (Actually Plan A was to start and finish the whole thing last week, but that was just laughable). Getting back at midnight was not conducive for starting a paper. So, instead I decided to get up at 6:30 am on Monday and start and finish it before my 9:30 class. Fortunately the paper was a "Media Autobiography,"-- an essay about some form of media that affected us when we were children for my Media, Children and Health class. (I wrote about Saturday Night Live). Somehow I managed to write 3/4 of it before class and the remaining 1/4 in between my morning and afternoon class. It was due at 5 pm. I got it in at 3:30 pm. I am, in fact, amazing. Procrastinator? Not me. I must say, I thought the essay was actually pretty good. But we shall see what the professor thinks when I get it back.

Last Thursday was the second session of my favorite class, Environment Health. I think I like it so much because it's what I imagine to be a rocks-for-jocks-(or English majors)-type class. In college, I fulfilled my science requirements and then some with classes that kicked my ass in preparation for med school. But now I realize what I was missing. This environmental health class is actually fun. It's making me way paranoid of all the chemicals and germs we come in contact with everyday, but I'm learning cool little factoids that will be great for cocktail parties. For example, in humid areas (like China) peanuts grow some kind of fungus (don't ask me what) that can cause liver cancer. But, broccoli reverses those effects, which is why in Chinese food with peanuts, you'll often find broccoli. Brilliant! This class is also making me aware of how important it is to cut down on my consumption. Especially on cheap, disposable goods, like H&M clothes. Seriously. Thanks to Walmart, H&M, Target, et. al. things are so cheap that we feel it's okay to buy lots of them. But why not buy one quality thing that may be more expensive, but will last? I'm going to make an effort. And you should, too. And there's my environmental pitch for the day.

Okay. Seriously. My forearms are killing me from an hour of tennis and I must save my strength for actual work that I have to do later. Later...

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