Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I got Rejected today! The book Rejected: Tales of the Failed, Dumped and Canceled came out today with an essay of mine it it. You'll have to buy the book to find out what the essay is about. But I'll give you a hint. It's about rejection.

It's nice to have something else going on in my professional life other than school. Once again, I am reminded that I had a totally different life before school. And that I haven't (or shouldn't completely) give it up.

Isn't the cover purty? Now go get yourself a copy and look at the inside. Particularly page 217. I'm just sayin. And check out (my mention in) the product description on amazon.

Rejectedly yours,

1 comment:

TLG said...

now i really will have to pressure you into going to max's on fridays for karaoke - i don't believe you could be thaaaat bad. also, i kinda just want to chant "reject! reject!, reject!" after you sing! people would think i were suuuuch an ass